
Record sightings online

Easily look up different animals and track your sightings around the world. Wherever you are — from your desktop, tablet or mobile device.

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Not sure about a species? Look it up!

With over 700,000 species in our database you can look up details about any of them. Where available you can find details on not just their taxonomical information but also their common name and other species in their genus. In cases where the species has been monitored by the IUCN their current conservation status is also displayed.

A growing number of species also have a descriptive section about the species and a map of their world distribution. More and more animals also include photographs of the animal in the wild.

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Seen an animal on your travels, or in your garden? Record the sighting!

Whenever and wherever you see an animal you can now record your sighting using fauna.me, and can even organise sightings by trips. You can record where you saw the animal, when you saw the animal, and how many you saw of it along with any notes you might want to keep about what you saw.

You can also share your sightings with your friends on fauna.me, and also share on social networks such as Twitter and Facebook.

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Interested in seeing where you can go to see an animal?

With the distribution maps you can find out where species can be found with details recorded on a world map. If you're planning a trip you can also select a country to see what animals you might be able to see whilst you're there.
View the distribution map

Coming in 2014

All over the world you can find nature reserves and breeding centres to both preserve the life of endangered animals, and to ensure the availability of habitats for animals that are being driven towards being endangered. Soon you will also be able to view species based upon the reserve you're planning to visit.

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See how many different species you've seen in your life to date

With how many species there are in the world it's difficult to keep track of all the animals you've seen and what you haven't. As you record your sightings either individually or as part of a trip they will be added to your "life list" which shows you each species you've seen.

Wherever you are you'll be able to check what animals you've yet to see in a handy checklist — useful if you want to know if you've seen every butterfly in the UK for example.

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